Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Spark

No, I haven’t totally given up. Although I have had major challenges with Diet Surplus Disorder!
I started off this weight loss journey with the intentions of moving onto a new diet as soon as boredom set in. However, as I stuck to one diet too long, I became very bored, frustrated and lost my motivation. I then tried the Eat Clean Diet Recharged! by Tosca Reno. This is a sensible diet but I just could not get myself motivated to stick to it. When I feel my motivation is back, I’m going to come back to this one as the principles in this book are more of a lifestyle as opposed to a diet. That said, I need something very different to get myself back into the swing of things.
I was in a bookstore recently and The Spark by Chris Downie caught my eye. The concept is that you are to set small goals, replace negative behaviours with positive ones, be part of a supportive community, find ways to keep yourself motivated – i.e. reward yourself and `spread the Spark`. The book has stemmed from the website
I have been following the diet for approximately one week. As far as food goes, there is no real gimmick to it. You select the appropriate amount of calories to consume per day based on one’s activity level. The diet recommends amounts for protein, fat, carbs, etc. I really like the website although it has a slight `cult` feel to it. You can track your food and its nutritional content, your exercise and goals daily. The website offers teams to join, forums and blogs to participate in. I actually like the interaction between other `Spark` members. Everyone really does seem supportive. If you are competitive, you can accumulate points daily by achieving your short term goals, doing an online poll or by posting a comment on a blog. So far, I’ve been having fun with it.
Stay tuned for my progress and struggles with The Spark by Chris Downie. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

No longer on hiatus!

After the Beck Diet Solution I found it very difficult to stick to any diet. I seem to have lost my motivation on that diet. It's weird; once it's gone, it's very difficult to get back. The whole point of my strategy was to move on to a new diet once I was frustrated or bored with the one I was on. But, stupid me didn't follow my own plan. I stayed to long on the Beck Diet Solution and just couldn't get motivated again.
The next diet was the Eat Clean Diet Recharged! by Tosca Reno. I really could not get back into the dieting mode and I can't blame this diet at all. It is a healthy diet but I was not in the right frame of mind. I'm going to come back to this diet at a later date but for now, I need to do something different. I'll post my new diet choice within the next day or two.